Crude Quality Inc. is a private company incorporated in the Province of Alberta, Canada in 1998. CQI was established in recognition of existing and pending demands for high quality, "real time" crude quality information by the production, transportation and refining segments of the oil industry. The principals of CQI have spent the past twenty years in the petroleum transportation and refining industries troubleshooting crude oil contamination issues throughout North America and overseas.
Crude Quality Inc. has formed a number of alliances with leaders in hydrocarbon analysis and information processing technology. CQI enjoys special status through all of these alliances, ensuring the most cost effective solutions for industry needs. Crude Quality Inc. is capable of delivering everything from routine analysis on hydrocarbon streams (Certificate of Analysis) to simulation modeling of pipeline transportation systems to detailed investigations into the ramifications of abnormal crude quality behaviour through complex refining scenarios.
Along with full access to the battery of ASTM testing procedures at our disposal, Crude Quality Inc. has considerable experience designing experiments and analytical procedures to meet specific needs of the petroleum industry. We have access to some of the most sophisticated and sensitive equipment in the world, along with the most highly trained and qualified individuals available.
Crude Quality Inc. is an active member in a number of associations and societies in Canada and the United States. Crude Quality Inc. has presented at technical and business meetings ranging from private board meetings to annual general meetings of hundreds.